Level Up Your Chiropractic Practice With Macros

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- Macros are pre-designed, text-based shortcuts that allow you to easily create SOAP notes for your practice.
- With macros, you can enter SOAP notes in under 15 seconds, saving time and energy over manual entry.
- Macros help you keep standardized and organized notes, making it easy to look up information about a patient.
- With macros, you can easily maintain record-keeping compliance for CMS reporting and insurance purposes.
No matter what type of chiropractic practice you run, macros can help you keep accurate, compliant SOAP notes for your patient visits. The right chiropractic EHR software provides you with access to macros, helpful template-like shortcuts that cut the time it takes you to enter patient notes in half. Macros boost your efficiency and can help you level up your chiropractic practice.
What Are SOAP Macros?
The term macros refers to a word-processing technology that allows healthcare providers to enter patient notes into their EHR system quickly and easily. Macros technology lets you program a word or phrase, also called a “hot key,” so that when you enter it in a document, it automatically imports pre-existing information.
Completely integrated chiropractic EHR practice management software builds on this basic technology by creating pre-formatted macros designed explicitly for chiropractic care. These macros help you quickly choose the type of care a patient receives, note down patient complaints, and record the location and type of procedure you carried out during treatment, all with the tap of a few buttons.

How Can Macros Help You Level Up Your Chiropractic Practice?
The primary benefit of using macros to enter SOAP notes is efficiency. Some EHR practice management systems let you enter your patient notes in as little as 15 seconds. This time-saving technique allows you to enter the required documentation quickly so you can focus more time on your patient, then move on to the next one so they aren’t kept waiting.
Additional benefits of using macros include:
Standardized Notes
With template-like macros, you can standardize your SOAP notes into an easily readable and navigable format. By using the same phrasing for treatments and outcomes, you ensure that you record all elements of the patient visit accurately for future use by yourself or another provider in your practice. This standardization improves patient care, minimizes errors, and helps you stay compliant.
Compliant Documentation
Pre-formatted macros keep you compliant for CMS reporting and insurance purposes. Some EHR systems equip macros with chiropractic diagnostic codes and automate your SOAP notes with your insurance filing process. This reduces coding errors and claim denials.
Additionally, some chiropractic practice management software features, like ChiroTouch’s BulletTouch macros, are pre-configured to comply with third-party payers, so you don’t have to worry about including the correct information.
Template-like macros are customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your chiropractic practice. If you perform a routine treatment that isn’t included in pre-formatted macros, you can change or add elements so that your macros reflect your treatment approaches and patient issues.
Better Patient Care
Macros help you provide better patient care by reducing the time you spend on administrative tasks between appointments. Healthcare Finance shares that providers with wait times of 12 minutes or less ranked highly on star-rating reviews, while providers with the lowest ratings had around a 33-minute wait time.
If you take several minutes to enter SOAP notes manually, you’re likely increasing your patient wait time. Using macros can help you reduce wait times and move more patients through your doors.
ChiroTouch Macros: EasyTouch and BulletTouch
ChiroTouch is a chiropractic EHR practice management system that offers two options when it comes to macros. EasyTouch macros provide cash-only practices with a speedy charting experience to record SOAP notes quickly and efficiently.
The BulletTouch macros feature is designed for insurance and multi-provider practices and ensures third-party complaint notes to reduce errors and boost efficiency.
EasyTouch Macros
ChiroTouch’s EasyTouch macros are ideal for high-volume, cash-only chiropractic practices. Although this macros feature doesn’t ensure compliance for reporting or insurance coding, it works efficiently for practices that only take in-house payments from patients.
EasyTouch macros let you complete easy SOAP notes in seconds, reducing the time it takes you to enter patient notes during a visit. ChiroTouch’s automation features allow you to sync your EasyTouch macros with the practice management patient intake tool to import the patient’s intake responses into the subjective area of your SOAP notes.
The EasyTouch macros screen ensures you record the SOAP note elements required by law, including:
- Date of their visits
- Your findings
- Your evaluation of their progress
- Treatments performed
You can use EasyTouch macros on a handheld device like an iPad to enter your patient notes in under 15 seconds.
For example, if you treat a patient for lower back pain, you can go into the SOAP notes screen and click Daily Subjective Complaint. Then, touch the areas of pain on a spinal diagram, then the appropriate treatment from your list of macros, and enter any additional macros that reflect the visit.
BulletTouch Macros
BulletTouch macros from ChiroTouch work the same way as the EasyTouch screens; however, BulletTouch is designed for insurance-based practices. This macros feature helps you enter SOAP notes compliant with insurance coding, billing, and CMS reporting.
With BulletTouch, you can chart patients in under 15 seconds, during or just after their visit. You can easily customize your macros for your practice and ensure that your SOAP notes meet third-party payer requirements.
With BulletTouch macros, you can use your touchscreen dashboard to select the exact type of patient care you provide, record their intake responses, and the treatment provided, complete with chiropractic billing codes. This information automatically syncs with your chiropractic billing system and insurance filing process for a streamlined experience.

Boost Efficiency With ChiroTouch Macros
ChiroTouch is a completely integrated, all-in-one chiropractic practice management software created with chiropractors in mind. Using ChiroTouch macros to support your chiropractic practice helps you keep consistent, standardized SOAP notes to stay compliant, improve efficiency, and have more time to focus on your patients.
Designed for chiropractic practices
ChiroTouch was intentionally designed specifically for cash and insurance billing practices like yours.