Ct verify

Unlock hidden savings with CT Verify

Automate insurance verification, cut admin work, and focus on patient care, starting at just $29.95/mo.

With CT Verify, you can:

  • Access a vast network of payers for streamlined insurance verification.
  • Reduce administrative overhead by automating manual data entry processes.
  • Enhance claim submission accuracy to minimize resubmissions and accelerate payment cycles.
Calculate savings
CT Verify ROI Calculator
Patients per week Staff hourly wage $
Time saved
Money saved

*150 transactions included, $0.20 per eligibility check thereafter. 

Every minute counts

Here’s how CT Verify saves you time and money

Save time with reliable data

CT Verify's real-time eligibility verification streamlines your workflow, eliminating manual tasks and saving you time.

Enjoy more accuracy and less denials

Access real-time coverage information to collect patient payments upfront, reducing claim denials and improving cash flow.

Free up more time for your patients

CT Verify automates insurance verification, directly populating patient records to improve accuracy and enjoy more time for patient care.

Your savings are waiting 

Don't let insurance checks rob your practice of precious time. Contact us today to discover how CT Verify can automate insurance verifications, improve your claim accuracy, and improve your bottom line.


What is an ROI calculator?

An ROI calculator is an investment calculator that helps you estimate the profit or loss on your investment. Our CT Verify ROI calculator already accounts for the cost of CT Verify, making your ROI estimate even more accurate.

Where did you get the data for the ROI calculator?

According to the Medical Group Management Association, the average practice spends 12.64 minutes to manually check a single patient’s insurance. In analyzing 339 ChiroTouch practices using CT Verify, practices check patient insurance eligibility an average of 287 times per month. With CT Verify, practices can save 12.64 minutes per insured patient with insurance verification, saving 60+ hours per month by verifying patient insurance automatically.

How does CT Verify connect with insurance payers?

CT Verify instantly connects to a vast network of payers for insurance coverage verification, allowing chiropractors to confirm patient benefits with just a few clicks.

What impact does CT Verify have on claim submission accuracy?

CT Verify improves claim submission accuracy by ensuring up-to-date coverage information before treatment, reducing the risk of denied claims due to inaccurate or outdated insurance information.