Goal Setting and Goal Getting

In this podcast
Dr. Matt Hubbard of True Chiropractic joins this episode to share his insights on goal setting and goal getting. He will be giving motivational tips on how to stay aligned with your goals, and strategies for maintaining accountability for what you set out to do.
Tune in for:
- The first, and most important, step of goal planning
- How to create SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound
- What to do when you may need to tweak your plans along the way
- How remain accountable to your commitments
Welcome to this edition of Catch Up with ChiroTouch. This is Dr. Ronnie Simms, I'm your host today. Thank you so much for tuning in.
And as always, as you know, you're in for a real treat because we always have the best guests on this show. I am so blessed by this show personally. And today, for the second time, I'm blessed to have my dear friend, my brother in the Lord, one of my favorite chiropractors ever, the de facto MC of Chiropractic, and that's Dr. Matt Hubbard.
How you doing, bud?
You're the best, man. Thanks for that intro. I'm doing fantastic, man.
It's my day to do other things on this fine, oh, beautiful day in San Diego. So I'm excited. Thanks for the invite, man.
I'm always honored to be here. I know we got a great topic I'm passionate about, and can't wait to dive into it, man.
And we could go so many different directions with this just because I know what you have going on in your life. And there's so many nuggets that you've learned outside of the realm of chiropractic. And I know with your entrepreneurial club, your businesses and your pastoral role, you have so many little layers that this stuff wraps into.
But for the sake of today, we're gonna be speaking mostly into the chiropractic practice, as you know. And so I'm just gonna dive right in. We talked about the whole topic of today was kind of the goal setting and the goal getting.
I know that's been a big part of you and your life and your team over the last 15 years that I've known you. And so first question to kind of hit this off is, as you really look at your true vision, as doctors look out and create that vision of where they wanna go, how important are metrics within that and measurables? And what are those key metrics to Matt Hubbard as far as measuring that vision and how that's working?
Yeah, I really wanna make it personal, man. I've had a lot of time to think about it since our last technical glitch. Listen, chiropractors, I'm in the trenches.
I graduated in 2001. I was an associate under a great, great chiropractor. It's now Dr. Ron Oberstein, who's the president of Life Chiropractic College West.
I've been an independent contractor. I've been a single practitioner. I've been multi-clinic.
I've been, you name it. I've done all the different things. I've looked into franchising.
I've looked into everything. I will say that now in this year, I will tell you that I'm 21 years in practice, which is mind-blowing. I still feel like I'm young.
I still feel like I could get in with the best of them. And I never forget where I come from. So I just wanna give you context of who's talking to you today.
I'm not up here to impress you or talk about numbers, but I still, and Dr. Ronnie here can attest to it, I still have a high functioning, vitalistic, passionate practice. I've had 23 of my patients become chiropractors, and I've had seven CAs become chiropractors. And I've had a lot of people at my church that have done internship become chiropractors.
So I think I'm over 32 people that have been influenced by my practice to become chiropractors. And when I get to 33 for the 33 principles, I think that's my sign, maybe I could do other things. But to give you context on one more thing, success leaves clues.
I easily have a million dollar cash practice. It's well over that. And for those of you that don't believe me, just come to San Diego.
I still, I have people shadow me on Fridays. Dr. Ron was one of those guys that probably didn't believe me back in the day and had his associate go, duh, you gotta go see my friend. He came down and we became friends since then.
We've done a lot of amazing things together. And I love the fact that you were in practice longer and you still gave enough room going, hey, I'm not gonna be the type of guy that's been in practice saying, I can't learn from somebody else. And I've always admired you for that and respected you for that, that you still figured you can learn.
Just like me, I go into younger guys and I pick up what they do and then I make it better because I can afford to. But I had to bootstrap it. I had to get in and I lived on a wine taste with a beer income for a lot of years.
Now I live in my dream house, go on my dream vacations. One of the biggest givers in my church. I do a lot of radical things and it is all because of being around excellent clinicians and entrepreneurs.
I now own restaurants. I teach a maverick entrepreneur. I run a Pathfinders Apprenticeship program at my church.
That has over 350 graduates of guys that were broke and women that were broke. And they're all on the way to making millions of dollars. And we help do that with funding the kingdom, which is our purpose.
So a lot of cool things that I learned from being around chiropractors. Everything I've learned is from books and the greatest minds I believe in the world, which were chiropractic minds, because if you're a great healer, you have to learn how to be a great business person. Otherwise, guess what?
You'll be a broke healer. And I know people always give me flack about it because I teach a lot on money, but here's the truth. Money does not buy you happiness.
Everybody knows that. I know that. But guess what?
Being broke doesn't buy you a damn thing. So you're no good if you're a broke chiropractor. And my job, why I said yes to this interview is if you can take one thing, one seed, and I can get it to sprout and build a tree that produces fruit, you'll be self-sustaining.
So nothing I am gonna teach right now has anything to do with theory. It is all what has worked and produced multiple fruit trees in my life. So with that being said, you asked me a question.
Are metrics important? Metrics, goals are everything because it's a target in front of you and fuzzy targets don't get hit. Clarity is king.
My job is to help you understand. I don't care if you're the greatest adjuster. If you don't have clarity on where you're going, who are you gonna adjust?
Okay, you have to have business sense and you've gotta have a vision for where you're going. Now you wanna be sustainable. I know a lot of guys that had a million dollar practice for a year or two years, and then they self-imploded because they didn't have core values.
Core values is what you build the foundation on. You can Google up how to do core values exercises. You can reach out to people.
There's lots of coaches that teach on it. Listen, some of the greatest friends in my life are coaches and chiropractic. There's a lot of people teaching on core values, but core values are what is the foundation that you don't build your house on the sand, you build it on the rock.
You build your practice on a rock. Once you have core values, you then set your goals to keep the vision in front of you, and that vision in front of you is the fuel that keeps you on fire because you have purpose. If you don't have purpose, then what are you doing?
I don't wanna just sell crack for a living. What do you think I have, the crack house? I got the best crack in San Diego, but that's not what makes me do what I do.
No, no, I wanna see people's lives changed. So I took numbers off the board. I have lives changed, okay?
I have people served, which is my patient visits. Lives changed or lives saved is new patients. And then reward is how much I collect.
So I know if I serve big, if I save lives and change lives and impact minds and align some spines, then guess what? There's gonna be a great reward financially. So I never worry about the reward.
I always work on the service part of it. I end up well. Now, what I wanna tell you is that unfortunately, I don't have eight hours.
I teach an eight hour course every December and in January, just on goal setting. It's a fat daddy book. I go on a deep dive on it, full book.
I have it online, recorded. I'd probably need to get it out there one day, but that's how big of an idea goal setting is. So I'm gonna give you just a little flair to help you because I want you to think a little bit differently.
What you need to understand is every week, you need to focus on where you're at. So it's like a GPS pen. Dr. Ronnie said, hey, I wanna come visit you.
Where you at? I'm gonna drop him a pen drop. That's his GPS.
So you gotta know where you're at, and you gotta know where you wanna go. I don't go on vacation. Go, babe, let's go on vacation.
Where do you wanna go? No clue. You know what I do?
I just did a road trip to Zion. We booked an Airbnb, Fat Daddy Cabin. Every day we had a plan.
Every day we had metrics of weather was doing this. We do this, of weather was doing that. I planned it out to the tee.
And guess what? I just gave my family the greatest vacation everywhere because I had clarity on exactly what I wanted the outcome to be and where I wanted to go. And then I dialed it in backwards.
See, if you have a goal for a million dollar practice, what does that look like? You have to know what your per visit average is. You gotta know what all the little metrics are, which are all important to getting there.
You just can't say, I want a million dollar practice. Like, here's the thing. I'm right now, I'm freaking overweight.
I'm a little bit pissed off at it. Thank you. Got a little gray hair.
But guess what? I just set a goal. I wanna be 185.
I literally have 20 pounds to lose. I just backed it in. I know my goal is June 15th.
I backed it in what I'm gonna do every week, every month, every day. I looked at what I'm gonna do for food wise. I know what I'm gonna do for morning.
I know what my exercise is gonna be. I hired a trainer. I got a food consultant.
I got a nutrition consultant. I'm doing a cleanse right now. I'm not drinking wine, which I love wine, until that June 15th.
And it's pedal to the metal. And when I hit my goal, I'm gonna celebrate big, okay? If I miss my goal, guess what?
I'm writing a fat daddy check because I want it to hurt to something I don't like, okay? So I have a couple of things that I don't like. One of them, I shouldn't even say politics, but Mussolini drives me crazy, but whatever.
And I will support his campaign with $1,000 if I miss my objective, which let me tell you, I'm not writing that guy a thousand dollar check. It's pain-driven because I need to make sure that there's consequence for me, slack. So last night, I took my team out to dinner, my doctors, and I said, I want to bless you.
So man, we had a great steak. We had a great everything, and everybody else drank some wine. Everybody else had some creme brulee.
I had to sit there and be like, hmm, hmm. And it hurt, but guess what? I'm hittin my goal, because I want to be driven to that goal.
I have to build discipline. You gotta kill the flesh. There's desires that we get lazy in.
I meet a lot of chiropractors that are just lazy. They say they want this, but they don't do it, and they're unwilling to put the work in. I'm living the life I want, because I put in the hard work by going after goals, hitting those goals, celebrating those goals, and winning.
One thing I want to tell you is a 13-week success tracker. I look at this. I know a lot of chiropractors, they grind, grind, grind, grind, grind.
And when you're single, grind your face off, all right? I wouldn't go out on a Friday night unless I hit my new patient goal for the week. So if I didn't hit my new patient goal for the week, let's just call it 10 patients a week.
If I didn't see 10 new clients in a week back in the day, okay, I knew Friday afternoon, I'm done at noon, I need to go out and screen somewhere, I need to go pass my card out, I need to go out and do these daily rituals of getting myself out there, talking to chiropractic, hey, I'm a chiropractor, Matt Hubbard, come and see me, here's my card, love to be your chiropractor. Hey man, who's your chiro? I had shirts made, hats made, who's your chiro?
Being near the border in San Diego, they'd be like, who's your chiro? Shut up, that doesn't say chiro, it says chiro. What's a chiro?
I'm a chiropractor, man, who's your chiropractor? Oh, I don't need one. Well, I had a response for that, I was ready for that.
Here's my card, you might not think you'd need me, but now guess what, you got my card, here's one to keep, here's one to lose. Now with all the digital techy stuff, hey, take my QR code, take my picture, here I'm at, send a video to them, whatever it takes, early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise. Do what it takes to be the man or woman you wanna be to get the objectives and the goals you wanna hit.
So if I didn't do it, if they wouldn't book a new patient, I couldn't get to 10, guess what? Saturday, I was out grinding. Sunday, day of rest.
Very few times, I wouldn't hit my goal by Sunday. But guess what? My friends went out on Friday night.
I wanna go out on Friday night. I didn't hit my goal. Have consequence, build great habits.
Do the things that you don't wanna do, but guess what? I'm living the life I wanna life that a lot of other chiropractors want, and then they'll judge me for, but they don't know what I did to sacrifice to get what I have. We gotta quit being soft.
We gotta put the work in, get the technology, get the marketing, get the things you need to do. So what happens is, I know a lot of people who grind it out. I'm married, three kids, businesses.
I can't just grind it out, but what I do, my wife knows. Quarter one, don't mess with me. Pedal to the metal, quarter one.
I celebrate quarter two. We just hit our goals for quarter one. Biggest goal setting session I've ever done, most collections we've ever collected, most people we've ever seen.
All this goes, and I'm 20-something years in, but my team is on board with all the vision, all the dreams. They know the goal every week. I'd be like, how much closer are we to our goal?
Dr. Matt, we're 22% closer to our goal. Sweet. Dr. Matt, we're 38% of our goal.
Dr. Matt, we're 44% of our goal. Dr. Matt, we're 82% of our goal. We had a week to go, 3% left on our goal.
Let me just tell you, they were pedal to the metal. I called in that Saturday before. I'm like, what are you doing in my office on a Saturday?
Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes, because they wanted to go to Cabo on the doctor's dime. So guess what?
My entire team's going to Cabo with spouses. We're going to have the time of our life. They had the visual, they had the resort.
They know where we're staying. They know everything. They know that they're getting $100 a day to go blow whatever they want.
They're going to live the high life for four days because they worked their butt off to serve people to recharge. Now, quarter three, we grind it out again. We celebrate quarter four.
Now, what I realized is you hard charge build momentum. Momentum will carry you quarter two. Hard charge quarter three, momentum quarter four.
Reset it for the new year. If you just do this, this, this, you will have burnout and you'll crash. You can do it for a season, but not a lifestyle.
So what I tell you is I do these master tracks for 13 weeks. I said at the bottom, goal, reward, 13 weeks. And I do categories every day, different category.
Dr. Matt, how do you do that? Well, I have a different calendar. That's up in my office.
I put all our vacations, I put all our birthdays or anniversaries of my whole team. We have everything on there. When people are going on vacation, we see it all.
And then this little wheel over here that's blank, it's my marketing wheel. Every month, we don't guess what we're doing. We know what we're doing, and it's thoughtless.
It's a system, it's a structure. We go after it. I learned this from Dr. Mike Reed years ago, and then I've made it my own, tweaked it, turned it, everything.
But in that marketing wheel, I just want to tell you, I have quarterly objectives. I have self-objectives. Everyone on my team fills out a self-objective, meaning how are you taking care of yourself?
How do I stay so high energy? Because I'm doing self-care. Is my team getting adjusted?
Are they getting scanned? Are they logging themselves in? Are they on the table?
No one on my team, I always mean chiropractors don't adjust their team. I'm like, what's wrong with you? You know why I have a high functioning team?
Because they're high functioning people. Meaning I want to make sure they're clear and connected so they can be clear and connected. I want to be a healer.
So I need to be in a healing place. So self-care, daily morning rituals, all these things are so important. Then I have social media.
I have a whole checklist for social media now. Just are we staying in front of our people because it's important that we do that. The next one, internal marketing.
What are the touch points internally? I don't want to go out there. I've never paid for outside marketing ever.
You know why? Because my internal marketing is on point. Let me give you some ideas of internal marketing.
These are all the things that I set KPIs towards, okay? So these are set a stat for all these. Am I giving family gift certificates away?
Am I doing a testimonial day? Am I doing a referral basket? I have a little baby basket.
All my moms that give birth, when they come back in and bring me their kid, first adjustment for their brand new newborn is on me. I give them a full gift, a onesie that says, who's your chiro? With my hashtag, truechiro on their booty.
Then I give them diapers. I give them all the little things. I give them a little passey that says true chiropractic on it.
Man, they're going around with that passey. They're loving it. I give them all these things.
I give them one of those pathways about the ICPA. I get all the magazines. I give them pathways.
I give little experts what foods when. I put this little basket together and give it to mom and dad so there's no greater honor than being the chiropractor for your newborn. It's like Simba, huh?
Pass me your child. It's like we set goals for that. How many babies do I want to adjust?
That's a lifestyle. If you're giving me your baby, mom and dad are patients for life. Come on, man.
And so products, specials, supplements. You know, what's my supplement of the month? March Madness, we do Arch Madness.
So I know March every time there's different themes. So that's internal marketing. Bring a friend or a family member, point of sales once a month.
You know, we give something up. Patient Appreciation Day, I do three times a year. External marketing, marketing monitors.
What do I look for? What's my vision board to say? What's my 90 days to prep, 30 days to launch?
How's my new patient log? How's my website? What must it have?
I have a special website. I want to make sure it's good. I want to make sure that I have a technology that collects reviews for me.
So, you know, I have my review wave, but it puts it up there. And that's why everyone comes in. It's on Google.
It's like, I didn't go market him. Guess what? That's because I have 900 reviews that are like 4.8 stars.
They're like, who the H is this guy? You know, it's like, what the heck? You just got to do these things.
You build momentum. You just start somewhere. When I say, how do you eat an elephant?
You know what my biggest response is? One bite at a time. That still is overwhelming.
You know what I say? Don't stare at the elephant, stare at the fork. How do you need an elephant?
Stare at the fork. Focus on the fork. Focus on the fork.
Look at the metrics of your practice. Quit getting all enamored by fuzzy, shiny things. And just stay in it.
Focus, focus. It takes 60 to 90 days to see results. That means like one quarter.
Don't keep changing things because you think two weeks in it doesn't work. Stick to a plan, maintain the plan, work the plan. Look at your plan, change it quarterly.
Don't change it weekly. I meet one chiropractor going this way this month, that way next month, this way. I mean, man, it's like your golf game.
It's Z golf all over the place. Just work on one element of the game. I'm learning pickleball right now.
I'm learning how to dab, dab, dab. You know what I mean? I'm getting my butt kicked, but I'm not in it for the short term.
I'm not making bets that I'm going to beat you. I'm working on my little aspects of the game because I just, I'm learning pickleball and I'm having 80 year olds kick my butt. You know what?
But I guarantee in three months from now, because I'm working on one aspect of my game, I'm going to get one tool and it's going to be my secret weapon. I'm going to put these old people down. You know what I mean?
And when I whoop them, then I'm going to go take on the next level of my game. I'm going to perfect one piece of my game at a time till I'm Pickleball San Diego champion. So I declare a thing.
That's right.
In this marketing thing, I'm just going to land a plane on this. You can ask me any question you want. Is that good?
No, keep going, man. I have a couple of questions, but I like that you got a couple of questions.
Ask me out this. Here we go. Here's your calendar.
This is what I want you all doing. You draw the centric circles. This is what makes you successful.
And then you work around all these goals. What's your theme of the month? Everybody needs a theme of the month.
I can give you ideas if you need it, but January wellness, February heart, because it's Valentine's, it's lab a little heart. March is chiropractic. And then April could be, I do May, I do moms and pregnancy.
June, it's dads, because of Father's Day. July, it's sports, research in August. September is children and chiropractic.
So I have different themes for every month. Have a theme for your whole practice that your whole team could get on. My front office will take January.
My back office will take February. So they can always be pre-gaming. Then when my back office is working on February, because they're now initiating February, my front office is already on March.
We're always a month ahead of the game. So then the theme has to line up with your social media theme. What's gonna go along with it?
Are you having a workshop that's based on your theme? Are you doing a promo based on your theme? What is your networking based on your theme?
Do you have a recall letter based on your theme? Do you have a referral basket based on your theme? Your dinner workshops, what's your big fish?
Okay, but this is so important. Most chiropractors are just every month. It's something different.
It's never planned. It's off the cup. Mine, this has never changed in the last nine years.
We already know what we're doing. It's nothing new. We just recycle it, cause you know what, it's drip.
You know what Michael Jordan said? You want to win champions? Stick to the fundamentals.
That's right.
Stick to the fundamentals. So those goals have to be based in the fundamentals. Do the same things consistently and you'll see results.
Dr. Ronnie, what do you want to ask me?
No, no, I'm taking notes, man. This is great. So let me ask you a question.
You mentioned some of our professionals, just lazy, they're kind of knocked on their butt right now. They're tired, they're not sure. So just a couple little quick advice for that type of guy and gal that's just sitting back going, man, this Matt guy is full of energy.
I can't keep up with this guy. That's him. What do I do?
So some truth into that lazy doc who maybe is stuck.
You need a start doing list and a stop doing list. What are the things you're doing that are consuming your time? Are you gaming?
Are you playing solitaire? What is taking up? Are you scrolling on Instagram?
You know what I mean? Are you coming up with a clever TikTok? I mean, you can if there's an ROI, right?
If there's a return on your investment of your time spent, time is money. Where are you wasting your time? I always say this, I don't care what you say, show me your bank account and show me your calendar and I'll tell you what's important to you.
That's right.
So all I have to do is when I look at your calendar and I look at all this free time you have, how can I run a church? How can I run restaurants? How can I have an online business?
How can I run a practice that sees a lot of people? Guess what? Systematize, my calendar is dialed in.
There are no accidents. Everything. I wake up, here's the truth.
Mondays, I know in my office all day Mondays, I have a team meeting. I'm done with my practice in the morning. I then have new patients.
ROTs, team meeting at 12, it never changes. I know every single Monday at 12, team meeting. One o'clock to two o'clock, I refresh, I recalibrate, lay on my bed, let my body heal, then I have an afternoon session.
Tuesdays, I know what my whole day looks like. Pastoral care, coffee break, coaching sessions. I don't care who I'm coaching.
I just know from nine to 10, I have a coaching session. At 10 to 11, I have a pastoral meeting. I don't care who shows up on my screen or in person.
I know it never changes every Tuesday. At three o'clock, like right now, you're cutting into my family time. On Tuesday, family time starts at three, I'm done.
Phone's off, and my family time, until that's it. I carve out family time. Date night, everybody in my entire world knows date nights.
It's Thursday night, after practice. No one even invites me out anymore, because they know it's my wife and I's date night. So all these things are, I live in a rhythm and a flow.
And if we can schedule your life in a rhythm and a flow, you won't be drained. You won't be off purpose, you'll be on purpose.
Well, yeah, and I think that's a misconception. When somebody is listening to you, it could be overwhelming, but the reality is you did the hard work to put in the systems, the processes, the procedures, but you have a free spirit within that to be mad and to be fun and so speak into that because I know you're an amazing guy, don't get me wrong, but you could not do any of this without an understanding wife, but also speak into the Katrinas of the world, those integrators and those teammates that help us get this airplane off the ground.
I mean, I learned a long time ago, good leadership is empowering people.
That's right.
So I just realized I'm gonna empower my team. I don't run my office, my team runs my office. Katrinas been with me for, she's my CA that started as the CA, she runs my office now.
She's been with me for 19 years, celebrating 19 years. And I've had every chiropractor try to steal her. I've had all these things.
She could have left. It wasn't about the money. It's about how I take care of her.
It's how I look after her. And here's the deal. It's never about the money.
Don't make it about the money. It's about your heart of service and how will you empower. I send them out to get trained.
I send them to seminars. I send them to the landmark forum. I send them out for personal development.
Here's what I realized. This isn't a business transaction. If I sow into people and I make...
Here's the thing. I build big people. And if I build big people, I'll get big results.
And guess what? They won't wanna go anywhere else because I care about them as an individual. I'm not treating them as a business transactional.
I'm very relational. So I wanna let them know that I wanna get them developed. I wanna do that.
Now I've developed some CAs and then they become chiropractors because they got so passionate about it. That's part of it. You know what?
I'm sowing and I'm reaping, but every once in a while, I lose a great CA to chiropractic. I'm okay with that because I know, you know what? If I honor those that God sends me, he's gonna send me those that he honors, and I want the best of the best.
That's why I've had the best chiropractors. I have people that wanna stay with me. I had to kick the one chiropractor out that was with me for seven years, and I helped them open a practice.
So I did that because I realized that he couldn't stay with me forever. He's with me seven years is great. Did it suck to lose them?
Yeah, but guess what? I gained a colleague that got back in practice. Practice with his wives, we're great friends.
And then guess what? I had another chiropractor that was even, he's an amazing person that said, dude, I want what he had. I wanna be with you.
And then he leveled up my practice. New levels, new devils. It's just about not being in fear and constricting.
When you go in fear and make fear-based decisions because of lack of money, then you constrict. And when you constrict, you can't heal. How you doing?
It's how you do everything. We need to expand, we gotta think bigger. You get around bigger thinking people, you'll think bigger because of it.
If I play pickleball with better people, I'll get better. If you get around chiropractors, most chiropractors, they get around other like-minded chiropractors. And then if they don't stretch you or make you think different, then you stay the same.
Sure, I could be overwhelming. Because guess what? Your thought process is still small.
And what I'm doing is causing a contradiction in your life because you're like, whoa, that guy's too much. But it's okay. Just be willing to grow.
I'm not saying you don't have to be Matt Hubbard. I don't want a Matt Hubbard covering copy. I want you to be you, but I want you to not let your ceiling hold you down.
Your ceiling has to be your next floor. So you've got to level up your life, level up your thinking, level up your game, level up how you do things. When people say, I want to see 250 people a week, I go, how many you see?
And they go, about 120. I said, okay, can I be honest with you? You don't want to see 250 people.
Yeah, no, I do, I do, no. You're actually seeing the exact amount you want to be seeing. If you want to see 250, you got to do a lot of things different.
Are you willing to do a lot of things different? If you're willing, good. So I want you to sit me down your dream list, send me your dream list.
Someone told me to do that, guess what? They'd have that dream list in about 45 minutes. You know, on average right now, it takes them two days to give me that dream list.
I call them back and go, when you're serious about coaching, you let me know, click. You know what I mean? Two days.
That's ridiculous.
Two days is in a dream. I just have to give you the easiest, actually, two days. You don't want to see 250 people.
You're okay just where you're at because what you just did showed me you're not hungry enough. When you're hungry enough, you'll do it.
So there's two other questions I want to ask you, buddy. One is celebrating with your team. You mentioned taking your team to Cabo, and I meet with a few docs that they don't do that at all.
They don't feel like they have the money, they're living in fear financially, and therefore they're not getting the buy-in that they want. And their thought is, well, I'm paying them hourly, and it's their job, you know? And so kind of speak in to how important that is for you to celebrate with your team.
I'm gonna tell you right now, my girls, you know what I say when I hire them? This isn't a job, this is a lifestyle.
So if you want a job, I own a restaurant, let me hire you over there. You can make sandwiches. Don't come with the job mentality, work for me.
The job mentality is gonna keep you limited, and guess what? I need you to have a heart for people. Guess who my number one referrs are in my practice?
If I hire somebody and they haven't referred in, people they know within the first six weeks, I'm gonna tell you something, they didn't get the big idea.
I agree.
My people come in, it's amazing to me. Before I hire you, I run you through my whole new patient process. You watch the video, you learn everything, you get an ROT, you get everything, you come to the class, and I go, do you still wanna work here?
You know what they do? This is the greatest thing. Oh my, I totally wanna work here.
And then guess what? I watch it good, blah, blah, blah. Soon as they refer to me, I took my whole team, but one person to Parker.
And then I said, why aren't you taking me to Parker? I said, this is just a job to you. So I'm only taking people that are invested.
It's a big investment for me to take you to Parker, pay for it, blah, blah, blah. You don't wanna do it. And I go, okay, that's fair.
And I go, great. So I just let it go. Yeah, and then here's the truth, because they were more passionate about something else.
So I helped them get into what they wanna do. So they wanted to be a chef and a blah, blah, blah. So I just helped them do that.
They're working with me part-time because they love working for me. They love the energy. They love everything.
So they work for me, and then they're now gonna be a professional chef, which is totally cool. I'm just not gonna waste money on people that are not vested. If you're vested in my vision, I'm invested in you.
By you staying within integrity on that topic is what actually helped that person find their true calling. So that's just living out the gospel right there. Now, let me just say from my experience, I came to visit you like 13 years ago, had a great time, met Katrina.
I could not believe, I didn't watch you as much. I watched her more probably, but I was so impressed by how calm she was. And then I realized, well, they have rock solid systems, man.
They are dialed in. And so I just was taking notes. Again, you were amazing.
But how important is it for your integrator Katrina and yourself and your key associates to be in their own kind of accountability mastermind groups? I know you got your team group, but do you find that it's important for some of these key team members to also have groups of other people like them in the profession that they rub shoulders with?
Yeah, yeah, I used to do that, but now I don't want to lower the bar. So I try to, you know what I mean? Honestly, at this point, my team's so dialed, I don't even waste time.
I like, there's a lot of amazing things if you don't have access to some of the things I've done. I mean, in fairness, yes, I want them iron sharpens iron. So I would have them watch videos.
I'd have them do it. Like I hired a coach last year just to train my team with Not My Voice for one year. I wanted them to have one year Not My Voice speaking into the thing of what we do.
It was amazing. And then I took it back over.
I think that's beautiful.
Wow, you know, we need to do a whole seminar on this because a lot of docs are gonna respond well to this because they're struggling in this area and they just keep hitting their head against the wall and I talk with these guys. I meet with them all the time.
And here's the thing, you know what? I offer so many things. People like, the thing is, I don't do well with victim mentality.
If you want it, like Katrina, guess what I say, send them down, I'll buy lunch. Your CA can watch my practice all morning long and then hang out with my CA all afternoon and I'll pay my CA to train your CA. All you gotta do is get them here.
Could be a $250 ticket. It could be fly down in the morning, fly out that night, they're not away. Some of them don't want to invest $250 and they're gonna get some of the greatest coaching that CA has ever got, gonna build them up.
They're gonna come back like on fire. But you know what, when the CA becomes more on fire than the doctor, we got problems. Katrina is more chiropractic than 90% of chiropractors.
So I mean, she calls chiropractors to the corner. I'm like, what do you mean? Like, let's go on purpose, what are your goals?
I'm not sure what my goals are. How many you wanna see? What's your patient vision average?
How much money are you collecting? Good, what's the average weekly? What's your, they're like, what, what?
Just focus, go get some fundamentals. Like it's amazing. Like if you want to level up practice and get all the keys to unlock all your dreams, put the work in.
Hundreds of chiropractors, I went and found it. I went and found it. You just can't sit back thinking they're gonna come to you.
Well, I think the question that should haunt every chiropractor, and I know you and I both pray and think about this a lot, is the legacy that we leave behind. And like you said, success leaves clues. And chiropractor needs guys like you and I to leave these legacies behind, because as amazing as you and I are in practice, our practices would survive without us, right?
We know that already. We're not ready for that, but we know that there is a legacy that's been laid down that's gonna live three, four generations of chiropractors beyond your and my time on this planet.
And so I love that about you.
Any more encouraging words on that topic before we close?
I'm gonna leave you with these four things and then we could wrap it. Four pillars. So what I've learned, number one, fundamentals.
I call it the foundation. Build your foundation solid. Figure out where you're weak.
Go fortify the foundation. So foundations, be real with yourself. Do you have core values?
Does your whole team know them? Are they in alignment with them? If they're not in alignment, tell them to go find a job somewhere else.
Number two, acceleration. So first you build a foundation, then you gotta accelerate. New patients, build, build.
Everything you can do, accelerate. Where are you at right now, chiropractor? Do you need to build a foundation?
Okay, let's just say your foundation's good. Accelerate. How's your new patients?
How's your communications? How's your results of your tests? How's your class?
How do you get people to pay, stay and refer? That's all acceleration. Number three, battleship.
How do you battleship your office? That's with financial plans. Battleship your life.
Do you have life insurance? Do you have all the things? Do you have a trust?
Do you have all the things that are now battleshipping up your life so you can have a life? So it's foundation, acceleration, battleship your life, battleship your practice. And then the last tier is legacy.
You can't be thinking about legacy until you battleship your life. You can't think about battleshipping until you learn to accelerate. You can't think about any of it till you build your foundation on your philosophy and your core values.
Foundation, accelerate, battleship, legacy. That's your pyramid. There's four pillars that hold up the roof.
Worry about your four pillars. Strengthen your four pillars. God bless you.
Wow, what a better way to close than that. Okay, hey, for those of you on this call right now, you just got blessed, as did I. And I'm so glad that you took the time to do this.
Time spent on personal development is never time wasted. And right now, what the world needs the most is for Chiropractors to step up and play big. This is not our time to be small, you guys.
And so I hope these episodes are a blessing to you. I wanna once again thank ChiroTouch and their leadership and their team for not only putting a great product out there, but also the spirit behind these podcasts. When they told me their idea on this, I was so impressed that they wanna truly help Chiropractic as a profession.
It's not just about a new client or it's not just about money to them. They wanna see Chiropractic thrive just like Matt and I do. So once again, thank you ChiroTouch.
And Matt, thanks again. I can't wait to have you back on. And I love your brother.
And for all of you out there, make sure you do what Matt says and get adjusted, eat right, get to your ideal weight, get ripped so that Chiropractic can advance and be ready for this. Let's go, right?
Let's go.
All right, man. Hey, God bless you all. And thanks again for tuning in.