
Know How and When to Expand Your Chiropractic Practice

March 21, 2024
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Most chiropractors dream of expanding their practice, serving more patients, and seeing more cash flow on their accounting reports. However, expanding before you’re ready can lead to poor service and reputational setbacks to your business. Get to know the signs you may be ready to expand your chiropractic practice.

Recognizing the Right Time to Expand

Knowing the signs that it’s time to expand can help you grow the right way, bolstering your practice’s success. Here are a few signs that can mean you’re ready to scale your chiropractic business:

  • Patient wait times. Long wait times are a signal that you’re operating at full capacity. If patients have to sit in the waiting room for more than the average 18 minutes or wait weeks for an appointment, it may be time to consider opening a second chiropractic office.
  • Turning away new patients. Your demand exceeds your current capacity when your practice consistently turns away new patients due to a lack of schedule availability. This is a clear sign it’s time to hire another chiropractor or expand your team to include other providers, such as massage therapists or nutritionists, to help meet this demand.
  • Chiropractor burnout. If you or your fellow chiropractors are working excessive hours and still feeling overwhelmed, it’s a sign that your practice needs more help. Bringing in more practitioners can help share the workload and prevent burnout.
  • Staff capacity. If your administrative and support staff are struggling to keep up with patient scheduling, calls, and paperwork, it’s time to hire more staff and upgrade your practice management platform. Overworked staff can lead to errors and reduced patient satisfaction.
  • Financial goals. Achieving your financial objectives earlier than expected is a positive sign of your practice’s health and potential for growth. This financial readiness could support the costs associated with expansion, such as new hires, marketing efforts, or facility upgrades.

Planning for Expansion with ChiroTouch

For a successful practice expansion, you need a cohesive growth plan that considers a strategic chiropractor business plan, financial health, and technology support. ChiroTouch EHR and practice management software can help with all of these.

young woman undergoing acupuncture treatment

Strategic Planning

Start with a strategic practice growth plan that outlines your goals. This can include developing a chiropractic business plan that details your objectives for finding a new location or adding specialties to the clinic.

For example, your plan can include adding multiple chiropractic providers or specialists like physiotherapists or acupuncturists, which can easily be added to the ChiroTouch system for easy integration.

Your plan should also include steps for creating a chiropractic marketing plan to get the word out about your practice’s new services or location. With ChiroTouch patient communication tools, you can create targeted blast campaigns through email or SMS texts to inform patients of these changes and keep them on the books.

Financial Considerations

Expansion comes with several budget considerations, like additional staffing costs, equipment and technology upgrades, and lease or renovation expenses for new space. To see success, you’ll need to have access to real-time information and accurate financial reports. This lets you plan your budget based on data-driven insights for strategic decision-making and financial planning for your growing practice.

ChiroTouch has comprehensive financial reporting and analytics tools that offer insights into your practice’s performance. These tools help you monitor revenue streams, track expenses, and analyze profitability by provider or location, supporting informed financial management as your practice expands.

Technology as a Backbone

When planning your expansion, consider your EHR system the backbone of the entire process.

ChiroTouch, trusted by 21,000+ providers, streamlines managing multiple providers and locations to boost your business growth.

For instance, ChiroTouch enables centralized access to patient records across different locations. This ensures that any provider within your network can access up-to-date patient information instantly for accurate clinical care.

Integrated scheduling features simplify appointment booking for multiple providers, allowing your team to efficiently manage appointments and patient records, regardless of the clinic’s location. This can help you plan for expansion by understanding the availability of providers at your clinic and ensuring everyone has access to the information needed to perform their duties.

Implementing Expansion Strategies

Once you’ve planned your expansion, it’s time to put it into practice — literally!

To implement your expansion strategies, you can use ChiroTouch’s specialized capabilities, including:

  • Scalability for multiple providers. Use ChiroTouch to effortlessly add new providers to your practice. Its system allows for customizable access levels and workflow settings, ensuring that each provider can integrate smoothly into your practice regardless of specialty.
  • Set up individual provider profiles, tailor access permissions, and define specific workflow preferences to maintain efficiency and confidentiality.
  • Support for multiple practice locations. ChiroTouch streamlines the management of multiple locations. Its centralized system provides unified scheduling, billing, and patient management capabilities at no extra cost.
  • Implement this feature by setting up each location within ChiroTouch, allowing seamless scheduling across all sites, consolidated billing processes, and easy access to patient records for consistent care and operational efficiency.
  • Customizable for specialties. For practices that include a range of chiropractic specialties, ChiroTouch supports your needs through flexible billing codes, treatment plans, and specialized reporting features.
  • Customize treatment plans and billing codes specific to each specialty, and use ChiroTouch’s reporting tools to analyze the performance and needs of each specialty area, helping inform expansion decisions and tailor services to patient needs.
  • Unified reporting. With ChiroTouch, you can access comprehensive reporting capabilities that offer valuable insights into your expanded operations. Use this feature to generate analytics on financial performance, patient demographics, and service utilization across all locations and specialties.
  • This data helps make data-driven decisions, track growth progress, and identify areas for improvement or further expansion.
chiropractor at work

ChiroTouch: Your Trusted Practice Expansion Partner

ChiroTouch is a leading chiropractic EHR software with a reputation as an innovator in the industry. Created for chiropractors by chiropractors, ChiroTouch can help you plan and implement the changes you need to grow your business and see continued success.Ready to expand to the next level with your chiropractic practice?

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