How Chiropractic iPad Apps Can Improve Your Practice
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Chiropractic iPad Apps make the day-to-day tasks of Chiropractors and Chiropractic Assistants easier and more efficient. Don’t wait another second, learn how Chiropractic iPad Apps can improve your practice now in this article.
Chiropractic iPad Apps
The iPad is transforming healthcare, and chiropractic iPad apps will transform the way you run your practice. By using mobile apps for chiropractors, you and your staff are no longer dependent on a desktop computer. You are freed from its literal lack of mobility. Few technological innovations have been embraced as quickly and thoroughly in the world of healthcare as iPad apps, and it’s easy to see why.
Improving Efficiency and the Patient Experience with Chiropractic Mobile Apps
With first-rate chiropractic iPad apps, every aspect of your practice improves. Even if you think your practice runs smoothly now, you’ll find the addition of chiropractic mobile apps can take efficiency up to a whole new level.
Not only will your practice save time with mobile apps for chiropractors, it will also save money. Chiropractic mobile apps reduce the amount of time needed to fill out forms from minutes to seconds. Multiply that time saved by the number of patients you see each day, and there’s an hour or more saved right there. You’ll also save office space because your staff won’t require desktop computers to complete their tasks.
There’s another plus with chiropractic mobile apps – chiropractic assistants want to work with practices offering top tech and flexibility. You invest a lot in your employees and want to keep them happy. No one ever decided to become a chiropractic assistant out of a love of filing papers. With mobile apps for chiropractors freeing up time, your assistants are not doing busy work but completing important tasks involving patient care. Keep your workers happy, and keep your workers.
Easy to Learn Chiropractic iPad Apps
Using a chiropractic mobile app is easy and intuitive, and your staff will learn to put them to use within a short time. The same holds true for patients – even those who don’t use technology a great deal can figure out how to complete assessments on an office iPad. Because these apps are designed specifically for iPad use, they are faster and offer more than previous, web-based apps.
ChiroTouch’s Chiropractic Mobile Apps
ChiroTouch’s six chiropractic mobile apps will soon become an indispensable part of your practice. The CT Scheduler gives staff the ability to schedule appointments on any device, while the CT Forms Mobile permits patients to complete paperwork electronically when seated in the waiting room. The patients sign in for their appointments with CT Sign-in Mobile. New patients complete their information with the CT Intake Mobile, again while in the waiting room.
With CT Provider Mobile, you can view patient files, and perform tasks related to daily care on any device. Finally, CT Outcomes lets patients fill out their outcome information and check in when they arrive for their appointments. The app asks a series of questions, so you can track your patient’s state of health and pain levels based on their answers. If you and your staff have questions about our mobile apps, our technicians are always ready to help.
Designed for chiropractic practices
ChiroTouch was intentionally designed specifically for cash and insurance billing practices like yours.