
The Best Chiropractic Billing Software for New Practices

July 23, 2018
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Whether you are about to open a new chiropractic practice or have recently opened your chiropractic office, it’s important to start off on the right foot and avoid any billing nightmares! Chiropractic billing software can keep you organized, make your practice more efficient and save you money.

Read on to learn more!

Chiropractic Billing Software

Opening a new chiropractic practice is both exciting and a little scary, as with any new business venture. You’ve already found your location, hired staff, and purchased chiropractic equipment. Those are necessities from the minute you open your door. Another necessity, although perhaps not as obvious, is good chiropractic billing software. It’s crucial to do your research and find the best chiropractic billing software for your needs prior to opening your business. You want to start your business off right, and if you don’t possess the right chiropractic billing software at the outset, transitioning to another system, later on, is much harder.

Keep in mind that such transitioning occurs because your initial chiropractic billing software wasn’t suitable and may have cost you a great deal of money – not so much in the software’s actual expense, although that’s a consideration, but in the amount of money you’ve lost because your chiropractic billing software wasn’t up to snuff.

What You Need in Chiropractic Billing Software

When you are starting out, you may not know exactly what you need when it comes to chiropractic billing software. You know that your software should be intuitive and easy for you and your staff to learn to use. You want software that is so efficient, your billing is done automatically with no need for manual data entry, which is more likely to lead to billing errors. You want to know that, at the end of the day, your chiropractic billing software has done its job and that day’s billing is complete.

You want to concentrate on your new practice and your patients. To do so, you need to have confidence in your software. No one ever went into chiropractic so they could worry if their software was up to the task. However, making the wrong choice in software might mean that is what you spend too much of your time doing, and your practice suffers as a result.

Needless to say, you want software designed specifically for chiropractors and not any other type of healthcare provider.

As a chiropractic, you treat specific conditions, and the billing codes for your patients are not generally used by other sorts of practitioners.

You also want software that gives you a good return on your investment rapidly. Good chiropractic billing software helps the financial side of your practice run more smoothly, providing a steady revenue stream.

One downside of opening a new practice and obtaining chiropractic billing software is that your frame of reference is somewhat limited. If you don’t have experience with top chiropractic billing software or know the billing issues most frequently encountered by your staff, it’s harder to determine what is absolutely essential in a software package and what you don’t particularly need.

If your staff has prior experience with chiropractic billing software, ask them what they found most difficult about previous software and what aspects made the billing process more effortless. Do some research online, then ask other chiropractic practitioners about the billing software they use, and why they would or would not recommend it.

Ask about the availability of customer support when billing errors occur, since a lack of good customer support is a deal breaker when considering any chiropractic billing software. When you’re a new practitioner, you have a lot on your plate. Unlike established chiropractors, you have to concentrate on building your business. You literally don’t have the time to spend trying to decipher a complicated billing process. That’s why you need chiropractic billing software that is straightforward and easy to understand.

Even if you haven’t had much in the way of accounting training, you should easily see what was billed and the current status, payments processed, your accounts receivable balance, which bills are overdue, and an overall collection analysis. If anything isn’t clear, that is not a sign of an efficient chiropractic billing software.

When considering chiropractic billing software, ask whether it is possible to bill secondary carriers without the nuisance of having to re-enter all the relevant patient data.

How difficult is the learning curve for your staff? You want intuitive software that doesn’t take much time to master. What is the track record for this software? You may be a new practitioner, but it’s not wise to choose a chiropractic billing software as new to the business as you are. Even though you may get a “deal” if you’re one of the earliest customers, it’s no deal at all if the system is infested with bugs. You aren’t saving money if your software is nothing but a headache and your billing is adversely affected.

Of course, chiropractic billing software does not exist in a vacuum. You want the best overall integrated chiropractic practice management system for your needs. Ensure that all software elements are also top notch. A system that receives an A rating for billing, but a C or less for other aspects important for your practice likely shouldn’t make the cut. Although billing is an essential part of your practice, a system that doesn’t allow for patient scheduling, check-ins, SOAP notes and the like means you will have to purchase additional software for and of those purposes. The fact is that an integrated practice management system with a state-of-the-art billing system makes far more sense than multiple separate systems.

Best Chiropractic Billing Software for New Practices

ChiroTouch offers the best chiropractic billing software available for new practices. ChiroTouch’s integrated practice management system provides a seamless transition between the management and billing side of your practice. ChiroTouch’s chiropractic billing software automatically posts payments and submits claims.

This is the age of technology, and there is no reason to switch to a capable technological platform from practices such as manual entry, where mistakes can delay reimbursement and reworked claims may cost as much as $25 each. In fact, the best chiropractic billing software means you may have to hire fewer employees to take care of this side of your new practice, quickly paying for itself in this way alone. When you don’t have to worry about getting paid, you can concentrate more on your patients.

You can check the state of your cash flow at any time. Not only does ChiroTouch make chiropractic billing a breeze in management terms, but it also allows you to offer your patients flexible billing options. This, in turn, can increase your patient retention, a vital factor in any practice but absolutely crucial when you are just starting out. Chiropractors also want to take advantage of preferred partnerships, permitting even better integration with third parties for submission of claims, postings, and collections. That’s exactly what ChiroTouch offers, along with unlimited live support if you or your staff ever have questions.

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Designed for chiropractic practices

ChiroTouch was intentionally designed specifically for cash and insurance billing practices like yours.